
General Update

Well it’s been a little while since I’ve posted and that’s because I’ve been crazily busy. At the end of July I’m going to the Ukraine for 2 weeks for an Aikido Summer School – it promises to be an intense and interesting experience.

Meanwhile I’ve been focusing on getting my current game to an alpha state before I go. So as a result I’ve been minimising all non-coding activities which includes playing games, writing for Binary Joy and this blog, reading blogs and forums etc. It’s actually been a good feeling to totally focus on one thing – my mind feels less scattered. Of course I’ve still been trying to fit family time into all this, so I’ve been playing Paper Mario with the boys (it’s too rainy to go outdoors on bikes) and watching 24 with Helen 🙂

I’ve made some great additions to my framework recently. I added a TGameText type which can read in Unicode files so that I can localise my game into other languages easily. I’ve also made a TBitmapFont type (with the help of Tim Fisher of Indiepath), which can display Unicode characters, and then I converted lots of my existing code to use it. Finally, I compiled my AOTMG framework demo on my Macbook Pro and fixed a few bugs and released it on the Blitz Forums. It felt great to see it running smoothly on a Mac – I even ran it on my plasma TV via an HDMI cable!

Anyway, blog posts may be a bit sparse during the next month or so while I’m coding like a nutter and on holiday. Thanks for your patience.

2 Responses to “General Update”

  1. Ben Says:

    Hey Jake

    The new update to your framework sound good. I look forward to trying them out. I really wish I had more time to work on games as I have so many ideas 🙂

    Enjoy your time in the Ukraine

  2. Grey Alien Games Says:

    Thanks Ben. Yeah I wish I had more time to work on my game ideas too but I’m busy making one big game right now. Anyway you’ve read that my posts on Binary Joy will be a bit infrequent for a little bit, sorry about that, but I’ll be back!